أسئلة المتابعين

مارس 10 , 2016 9:10 صباحاً
My child won’t sit still while we read! Two minutes into starting a book, and off she goes, toddling away ready to explore some other part of the room. What should I do?

عدد الأجوبة: 1
مارس 10 , 2016 9:21 صباحاً
بقلم: رانيا الترك
Toddlers will do what toddlers do best: move around! It’s how they explore their world, and sometimes getting them to sit still for a book, no matter how good we think it is, is near impossible. However, there are some things you can do to get in some reading time with your kids. First, consider choosing a short book so you can engage them in the time they’re willing to pay attention. Try reading to your child while they’re taking a bath. They can continue to enjoy playing with water while you read aloud to them. Also, you can pare down your daily reading to bedtime routine only as your child is already expecting to stay put in one spot. Once you find that bedtime reading is firmly established, you can start offering the same books during the day and see if your child would be willing to sit through one. Another thing you might want to try is interactive books, ones with flaps, texture or pop-up elements. These might engage your child as she takes the time to explore them herself. Finally, you can always consider audio books that you can use in the car. School pick-ups and drop-offs just got interesting! Just keep in mind that whatever you choose to do, let your child lead as you want them to associate books with fun rather than restriction. If they really want to toddle away today, just let them and gently try again tomorrow.