Women’s Health

12 Steps you should try to a Healthier You

12 Steps you should try to a Healthier You
Published : February 22 , 2018
Latest Update : August 24 , 2022
Certified Fitness Trainer and Pilates Instructor Studied Mathematics at California State University, Fullerton more

If you are looking for a way to lose weight and have a fit body, these tips are easy this is for you!

I have compiled this 12 steps guide to help you pave the way without feeling or needing to stress about it. Following these tips and tricks can help shed unwanted extra weight, worries and stress, and even boost your energy levels, give it a try.


  • Set realistic goals and give yourself enough time to reach your target weight

There are hundreds of fad diets that promise quick and easy weight loss, nevertheless, successful weight loss programs are the ones that help you lead a healthy life style and help you to lose weight and keep it off for life without compromising your health or lowering down your body’s metabolism. 

In general, losing 0.5 - 1 kg per week is a realistic and a healthy goal.

  • Keep moving

Our sedentary lifestyle plays a big (if not the biggest) impact on the increasing rates of obesity;

we sit hours at work, hours as we drive then we relax by sitting on the couch watching TV or using our phones.

While doing an hour in the gym several times a week has its benefits; it is more important that we keep on moving throughout the day.

  • Try not to let half an hour pass by without getting off of your seated position and move.

  • Try to stretch, bend or stand every 10 minutes.

  • If you can finish some of your work standing, then do that, as standing burns more calories than sitting.

  • Also, try to walk and use the stairs more.


  • Try to eat your meals at the same times

Eating at inconsistent times could mess up the body’s internal clock and thus affecting the metabolic process and insulin levels causing several health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure and weight gain.

  • Eat whole foods can help too

These kinds of food have no preservatives or additives, so they have no added calories and they also provide you with long sustained energy.

  • Don’t keep junk food around you

Try to eliminate temptations and simply do not buy the kinds of foods that will set you back on your journey. Satisfy your cravings by reaching to healthier alternatives; like dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate or chocolate spread, and popcorn instead of chips or crackers.

Studies have shown, that people who don’t get the recommended hours of sleep, which is 7-9 hours, wake up, with not only a tired body but a tired brain as well. In this state, the brain will easily give in to food cravings which are usually high- carb snacks. It also affects processing insulin which leads to decreased metabolism.

It could be more challenging to new mums to get enough sleep during the night. Nevertheless, it is very important that they make up for this time during the day, when the baby takes a nap or even have someone to watch the baby as you get some needed sleep. Try always to priorities sleeping over a quiet cup of coffee, folding the last laundry basket or checking your social media.

Another very important side effect of the continued lack of sleep; is that it increases stress hormones, which brings us to the next point.

  • Avoid stress

When under stress, the body releases a hormone called cortisol. While little spikes in cortisol could help in losing fat, as the ones the body releases during power exercises, prolonged elevated levels of cortisol store fat in the body, especially in the mid-section and elevates blood sugar which can lead to overeating.

Do things that help you relax and unwind, like reading a book, listening to music, walk in nature or do some meditation.

  • Include protein in every meal

The body uses more energy to digest proteins than any other food. Proteins are found in many foods; like poultry, seafood, beans, meat, eggs, and dairy products.

  • Avoid sugary drinks

Sodas and juices are loaded with sugars and has almost zero nutrients in them. You can easily add (150 – 500) calories to your diet drinking these sugary drinks. Fresh juices are a better option if they are taken in small quantities, better yet opt for the whole fruit as it has more nutrients and could fill you up more than the juice.

Water increases resting metabolic rate, as it has zero calories and the body consumes energy to process anything it receives. Also, drinking water before a meal can help decrease your caloric intake.

On average you need 1-2 liters of water a day. If you are breastfeeding or exercising you will need more.

To put it simply, if you get thirsty, it means you are already dehydrated. Keep a bottle of water next to you all the time.

  • Follow the (80% -20%) plan

As it is not humanly possible to control your eating and sleeping patterns 100% of the time; doing the right thing when it comes to health, 80% of the time will give you the best results and it will help you to go back on track when you indulge yourself a bit more with food on holidays or special occasions.

  • Love yourself

It is very important to always appreciate your body in all its forms, and throughout all the changes that it goes through. Especially as a mum, you need to pamper and cherish your body for all the physical changes and the power it possesses to be able to create a life.

Try to look good all the time even if you are at home alone. If a little bit of blush and lip gloss can help make you feel better, then do it!


I encourage you to approach your new changes as a healthy choice rather than just a weight loss plan. And, don’t forget to celebrate your achievements along your journey, no matter how little you think they are.


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