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Dr. Ruba Shabaneh Pediatric Dentistry

Ruba Shabaneh (Pediatric dentist) is a mother of three kids; two boys and a girl. She considers motherhood not only as her highest priority but also as her source of strength that drives her to excel in life. She graduated as a general Dentist from Jordanian University of Science and Technology in 2001 and completed her masters degree in pediatric dentistry in 2008. She also attended many courses on how to deal with kids and how to manage trauma in children.
Ruba is also a certified holistic counselor helping people to reach inner peace and achieve happiness from within.

Articles By Dr. Ruba Shabaneh:

Healthier Mouth… Healthier Body…Happier Childhood
Oral health care at the very early stages of a child’s life is dependent on the child’s caregiver. Therefore, dental care and parents’ awareness of...
Eruption of Teeth for children
It’s a special time for the baby and the parents when the first tooth starts to show in his mouth. In this article we will...
What to do if your child knocks his tooth off?
Accidents happen. Our kids are playing, having a great time, riding the bicycle, or even just jumping around. One of them might fall and knock...

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