Our Experts

Rula Z. Keilani Regional Emotional Intelligence and Communication Expert

Rula is a professional Communication Specialist and Emotional Intelligence EQ and Awareness Enthusiast. She holds both British and Jordanian nationalities, and she is a native Arabic speaker.

Her Civil Engineering background taught her how to critically evaluate things and design dimensions differently, and her work as an
environmentalist allowed her to seek the human developmental needs before thinking about the Built Environment.
This lead Rula to find passion in training and inspiring people. Being the bookworm she is, books introduced her to the enticing literature on Emotional Intelligence, which she perceives as the missing puzzle piece in our efforts here in the region for raising public awareness, rebuilding culture and of course sustainable self & cultural development.

Becoming a mom was another addition to Rula'scareer or at least this is how she sees it, it taught her the meaning of emotions on a micro-level,
and filled her with interest to learn more about Neuroscience, and intelligence.

The research she did, guided her to travel to America in 2005, to meet a number of International EQ–Gurus and practitioners, and get inspired by their wisdom and learn from them how to value the power of emotions, to understand truly the intelligence behind this power, and use it to make our lives worthwhile, and positively influence people around us.

She was very lucky to personally meet with and learn from Professor Annabel L. Jensen, the founding President of 6Seconds International, the first certification body for Emotional Intelligence at the time. She became the first EQcertified professional in the Arab region in 2005 And since then, she has been promoting what she's experiencing in her learning path.

Rula was very lucky to personally meet Stephen-Covey, the best selling author of The 7 Habits of highly effective People, trained with him on the 8th habit, which involved introducing Emotional awareness. She was
lucky to get an inclusive interview with Covey and learn from his knowledge firsthand. She initiated networking with Ayman Sawwaf, a pioneer in emotional intelligence (EQ), co-author of bestselling books Executive EQ, and Sacred Commerce.

In 2005 Rula founded Beity Magazine, the 1st Emotional Intelligence self-help tool in Arabic. She was the Editor-in-Chief until 2011 managing communication quality designed to make a difference. In 2 years, Beity became the No. 1 Family publication in Jordan, with more than 3 million copies distributed in Jordan.

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