
Overnight Rasberry Almond Oats

October - 28 - 2015
Preparation: 5

1/3 cup old fashion oats* 1/4 tsp flaxseeds 1/4 tsp chia seeds 1/4 tsp wheat germ 1/2 tsp shredded almonds 1/3 cup milk (I use Almond milk) 1/3 cup yogurt 1/4 cup Fruits (fresh or frozen, I usually use frozen berries) Honey (optional).

Preparation: 5


1/3 cup old fashion oats* 1/4 tsp flaxseeds 1/4 tsp chia seeds 1/4 tsp wheat germ 1/2 tsp shredded almonds 1/3 cup milk (I use Almond milk) 1/3 cup yogurt 1/4 cup Fruits (fresh or frozen, I usually use frozen berries) Honey (optional)


  1. To build your overnight oat layers, start with adding the oats, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and wheat germ. Then add a layer of shredded almonds to your mason jar (a mason jar is usually available in any kitchen and looks great, but really any Tupperware will do!)
  1. Pour the milk and yogurt and mix a little to make sure it reaches the bottom and mixes well with the oats.
  1. If you have frozen fruits, add them now and store in the fridge overnight. Fresh fruit is best added the next day.
  1. Remove the mason jar from the fridge the next morning and add honey and more shredded almonds.

You can vary the Flavours by swapping the almond/ berry and honey combination with cinnamon/ walnuts and maple syrup, banana and peanut butter, granola or any other crunchy topping with fruits. Shredded coconut and dark chocolate chips makes this a yummy treat for mommy and little ones too!   The possibilities are endless... Make, enjoy and repeat :)